Wednesday, January 28, 2009

My crazy 35...make that 36.

  1. I can touch my tongue to my nose.
  2. I have a pistol certificate- and want to get a permit. (guns are hot)
  3. When I eat chocolate before bed- I have either a very violent or very sexual dream. (try it)
  4. I take way too many pictures of my kids.
  5. I am in love with hand wipes.
  6. I have kissed a lot of guys- but loved only one of them.
  7. I used to have very good posture- now I look like quasimoto.
  8. I am allergic to... (the list of what I am NOT allergic to is shorter)
  9. I have my Father's wit and my Mother's need to worry personality.
  10. I feel that Chocolate Frosting goes great with every meal.
  11. I want to have laser hair removal. (why won't it work on blond hair???!!!)
  12. Three of my friends used me to get to my attractive brother.
  13. I want to be bi. (Bilingual- you pervert)
  14. I have 2 inventions that I would love to patent- but too lazy and poor to do so.
  15. I used to be a DJ.
  16. While DJing- I once had a groom say to me: "If I wasn't married- I'd F____ you."
  17. I don't take enough calcium. (see #7)
  18. I had to ask both of my dates to the the Prom. (I was ugly in HS)
  19. Both Prom dates said YES- but only because they like a girl riding in our limo.
  20. I have a hard time controlling my sarcasm.
  21. I have a fresh baked good on my counter--- everyday. (see #25)
  22. I make a damn good pizza.
  23. My hands and feet are cold all the time.
  24. I rely on my parents way too much- I call them for everything. (at least 3 times a day) OK- I'm lying- it is more like 5 times a day.
  25. I am skinny - but so out of shape.
  26. I would love to be a professional photographer.
  27. My mind is my worst enemy. I am a very visual person.
  28. I don't have enough socks.
  29. I wear a tank top every single day.
  30. I think I have a tapeworm- I named him Scotch.
  31. I met LL Cool J and Meg Ryan.
  32. I refuse to pay for shipping and handling.
  33. I have had 3 stalkers- one being a psych MD. (scary)
  34. I despise hearing people chew. (I hum while I eat to drown out the sound)
  35. If I wake up at night- I need to eat something before going back to bed. (why am I so freak'n thin?! Scotch Tapeworm?)
  36. Oh yeah- I think that Snuggie blanket is stupid!

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