Monday, January 19, 2009


December was a terrible month for us. The whole month of December- from beginning to end. My daughter had tonsillitis, double ear infections and a double eye infection. Then my son had the eye infection and the double ear infection. Both kids were put on that pink goop for a week and when that didn't touch their "angry looking ears" (that was the medical terminology the doctor used) - they were put on something stronger.

I stayed germ-free for about 2 and a half weeks and then it hit me- avalanche style. My sinuses were flooded: a major sinus infection. PAINFUL. I like to think that I have a high threshold for pain- I did deliver my son's over sized head with limited drugs, but this sinus infection made me want an epidural. It brought me to... I don't cry- my eyes were leaking sweat. I had to be put on 3 different types of medicine to clear up the pressure. (I'd like to make a shout out to my best friend - prednisone. Without you I don't know where I would be today)

So December was a tough- very tough month. BUT NOT AS TOUGH AS YESTERDAY. Our world stopped- and then came crashing down. My husband woke up with a...


There is nothing worse than a man that is sick. As sick as my kids were- they were SOOOO much better than my husband "suffering" with a bad case of the sniffles. He moans- he groans. He even stayed in bed until 10:30 AM! And when he woke up he asked for pancakes. The reason for the pancake request: they would serve as a stomach lining barrier before he took his arsenal of vitamins. (has he forgotten about the phallic shaped pancakes I made him last year?)
Then - he moaned and groaned some more- asking me if MY head when I was sick happened to hurt as bad as HIS does. How could my tiny feminine head possibly hurt as bad as his big strong manly head? I didn't answer. I had an answer- but I didn't use it.
Request #2 said in a pathetic tone : "Sick soup." (it is just broth, carrots, celery, onion and pepper- and ditalini pasta) I agreed to make it and then-------forgot. (I have 2 other kids- ya know) When he asked if it was ready, I had to fake a "uhh- yeah" and ran downstairs to throw it together. Bad wife! Bad bad wife!Thank God for soft canned carrots. That cut the cooking time in half.

He is still sleeping now. (9:45 AM) I wonder what today has in store for me.
HELP ME!!!!! Please!!!
Are all men this bad??

1 comment:

America's Next Top Mommy said...

Yes. They are all that bad. Did I ever tell you the story about how Howie asked me to come home from the hospital after I had Maryn so that I could do laundry for him?

But then he limped for two days straight and claimed he couldn't do anything to help with kids or housework for two days because he "slept wrong on his hip".