Friday, January 2, 2009

How did I find the time to...

For months now I have been trying to find the time to put pictures of my kids in a scrapbook someone made me. Nope- still hasn't happened. (and it has to be done before the person that gave it to me comes over again- thank God she lives in Arizona- that should give me enough time...maybe)

For about a 10 month now - I have been trying to find the time to clean out my underwear drawer. (I still have my pregnancy underwear in there - which looks like my regular underwear just 2 sizes bigger) It actually is a major problem. I don't realize that I have picked the wrong pair until I have them on for about an hour and then they start to go south. And usually by that time- I am in a store somewhere trying to "tastefully" yank them up. In the top drawer- 2 drawers- there they still sit. Waiting to be tossed out.

I did find the time to do something last week. I somehow found the time to GET SICK!!!

I have a terrible sinus infection. It hurts to do anything and everything. Bending over to empty the dishwasher brings me to tears. Not my usual I hate housework tears either. My husband really feels bad for me. He told me that he will take care of the dishwasher- just as long as I call the doctor. (OK- I can't refuse that offer)

I am one of those people who hates to take medicine. If prescribed to me- I take half of the recommended dosage. I am a terrible patient. Mainly because I have found that I am allergic to most meds. I figure if I only take half the dosage- I will only get half the allergic reaction. (I know- you must be thinking- "I know one med she should take the FULL dosage of!")

Well - not this time. I called and asked/begged the doctor for medicine. And to my surprise- he actually agreed to give me some without having to go down there and cough to the left.

My husband picked up the horse pills (aka- Augmentin) and I willingly took the Whole pill. (I actually look forward to the next time can take another pill)

So- here I sit- squinting at the computer- in pain. My daughter is two inches away from my face singing/yelling the alphabet song. She said that would help me feel better. She is too cute- but I wish there was a volume button on kids.

I am only on day two- pill #4 and I feel worse. I spray my nose and steam my face and still no relief.

Take your vitamins- wash your hands. Do what you can to save yourself. The queen of Snot is signing off.

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