Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I'll have a hambuger and fries with a side of diarrhea...

My brother called me today because he was on his way to McDonald's with my nephew. He said he was going to go to the one 3 towns over because my nephew wanted to go on the indoor playground. "EWWWWWWWWW- Don't do it!!!" Not that- anything but that. You might not already know this about me- I am a major germafobe. Not like the host of Deal or No Deal. (no disrespect, Howie)

I just hate germs! I haven't always been this way- it started when I had my first child. (What!!?- you want to hold my pure as the driven snow freshly delivered 6 hours old- bundle of joy? Go- wash your hands- front and back then come back - I have some questions for you. Do you or anyone in your family have or had a cold in the last year- how about malaria, arthritis? Hey -that might interfere with holding my baby correctly!)

OK- well not that bad either - but close.

Back to McDonald's. I literally cringe when I hear about someone going on their play scape. It was almost a year ago when I actually broke down and let Sissy go on one. My husband and I both had chiropractic appointments and the building was next door to a McDonald's with an indoor play scape. Since we knew that we would be there for about an hour or so- we knew we had to do something "fun" to avoid any meltdowns. So- we decided on McDonald's. Well- wouldn't you know it- They were still serving breakfast. OK- now let me think. My daughter only eats hamburgers, hot dogs, fries, dino nuggets (can't call them chicken), alphabet or Dora soup, cereal, and homemade pizza. Yup- we're screwed. No egg Mc Muffin on that list!

"I want a Happy meal with a toy- Mommy- I want a hamburger and fries now..." I looked at my watch- we had to wait 25 more minutes for lunch. Double crap! The demands continued for about another 3 minutes- and then my husband cracked. "Hey look Sis- there's a play scape over there." Off she went. I shot him a look, but agreed we had to do something. What can possibly go wrong if she is only in there for 22 minutes.

After 21 minutes- she came out- I put her shoes back on- washed her hands 3 times with- my all time favorite- antibacterial wet ones and once with soup and water and then had lunch. My husband came back from his appointment - I went for mine and we headed home.

Three days later- we were getting ready to go to the Children's museum. The kids had their coats on- I had a bottle in one hand and a sippy cup in the other - and then...

Hooooo Ahhhhh. (that's the sound of my kid projectile vomiting all over the kitchen)

And again. And again. Diarrhea was later added to the madness.

It was awful.

That disease infested play scape did it. I know it! She was so sick for about 4 days.

So that is why I freaked out when my brother told me where he was going. That is also why I wanted to give out those cute little travel packages of antibacterial wet ones for Halloween instead of candy. (my husband talked me out of it in fear of having to scrape egg and dog crap off our cars and house)


America's Next Top Mommy said...

I think the antibacterial wipes are giving her diarrhea.

The Allergic One said...

I can't stop using them - do you know what that will do to the economy? The Wet ones company would be forced to close down. Thousands of jobs lost. Do you really want me to be responsible for that??!!!!