Friday, January 9, 2009

Why didn't I think of that?

Nothing fires me up more than when someone is making a ton of money on a product that I could have totally thought of. Come on. Have you even seen the Baby Einstein videos? They are scenes found in everyday life set to music. In Baby Beethoven the creator (Julie Clark ) films old school toys spinning around. Wind-up antique owls strut across the screen- a train glides across its track- crazy hand puppets chase each other!
I have ton of crap in my house and a lot of music. I should make my own video - with a modern twist. Like the microwave defrosting tonight's dinner, the food processor shredding veggies, my dustbuster cleaning yet another pile of dried cereal under the couch, maybe even a toilet flushing. (hey- and for dramatic effect- I'll even go out and buy one of those blue discs to color the water) Now for the background music. I was thinking a little "Apple Bottom Jeans - boots with the fur" (Low by Flo-Rida) or maybe everyone's all time favorite- Baby Got Back. (Sir Mix Alot) (Cha-ching!)
What really gets me is that I am forced to buy these $15.99 DVDs because my kids really LOVE them. I have even had to purchase a few twice due to the deep scratches that my daughter engraved in them. (I know- my fault- I should put them up higher) If they didn't have that "no copy padlock" on them- I would have spare copies. But no- once again - Julie Clark has me by the short hairs.
She has managed to mesmerize my kids- actually Relax them - and even put my son to sleep. The truth is- They are worth every penny. I just broke down and bought the Old McDonald DVD on last night. Oh the things we'll do for some peace and quiet.
Thank you, Julie Clark.
(you disgustingly rich bitch)
I hear a bowl of cereal hitting the floor right now. I'm off to start my own collection of Baby Not So Einstein Videos-
look for them at Walmart in 2010.

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