Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Is it October already?

It's cold outside- the trees are bare. Snow covers the ground. Then why does my bathroom keep getting vandalized like it's Mischief night?? Every time I go to use the bathroom in my kitchen I have this: (see picture below) waiting for me. Door nobs are covered in TP- the toilet is wrapped like a mummy. I must admit- I am amazed at the craftsmanship. Perfectly wrapped toilet- even around the back of the bowl. Huh. That's impressive for a three year old. I took a picture of that too- then noticed something in the bowl that would really add to the Scary Halloween theme and decided not to post it.
What is she thinking? I bet she goes through a whole roll of TP a week. I can't tell you how many times I have sat down to "go" then noticed the empty cardboard roll laying under the magazine rack! Ahhhhh- don't ruin my minute of alone time! Now we buy our TP in bulk.
Due to lack of supervision- I have yet to catch her in the act! When I confronted her about it said states that she didn't do it and that maybe a frog did it. A frog? Well- at least I have a lead.


Missy said...

Love your bathroom decor! Too funny~!

America's Next Top Mommy said...

She probably waits until your up changing Scutchie's diaper and then TPs the bathroom.

Hey, it could be worse. She could be egging it too!

The Allergic One said...

Thanks- If I ever catch her- I will post her decorating tips.