Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Rain? or Tears?

What seemed like a fun activity to do on a rainy day turned into one of the reasons why (I feel) I have high blood pressure. My 3 yr. old (this is where you start feeling sorry for me) loves doing arts and crafts. She will sit for an hour at the kitchen table gluing scrap pieces of paper to empty shoe boxes. Today I was feeling dangerous and took out the finger paints. It started off great - cute hand prints- on paper. Then it turned into hand prints on the table. (still OK) Then she was curious about what would happen if she turned over the plate- with the paint on it -and smear it all over the table. I can tell you what will/did happen. I snapped*- then SHE decided she didn't want to do this anymore. (Yeah- good- fine with me!) Wait- that was way too easy. Where is the part where I feel like I am the one being punished? Wait for it. Here it is: She refused to wash her hands! Off she went into the living room. I tried to tell her how toxic the non-toxic paint was and how it would make her belly ache if she didn't wash it off immediately. "I do it - by myself." (fine- great- go) I started the water for her- she shut the bathroom door. "By MYSELF!" (Ahhhhhh- fine) Not even 5 seconds later- she comes out and heads to the family room. (there is no way those hands are clean) Sure enough- they were not clean- and now they were not just covered in paint- they were covered in soap. All the way up to her forearms. This time I was going to make sure she washed them. One problem- she wouldn't get up off the floor. I tried to pick her up but spaghetti legs were in affect. Now my shirt was covered in paint. (on the plus side- at least the soap mixture made it more washable) After a major struggle* in the bathroom- it was time for timeout. "I don't like you so much anymore!" "I want Daddy!" "You suffleufagus!" (that is one of her major insults) She means business when she uses that one. Behind the gate she went. (it is in our upstairs hallway) After about 10 minutes of me time- oops I mean - her timeout- I went upstairs to check on her. "I'm sorry, Mama- I love you- Eww- change your shirt- you got paint on it."

*no one was harmed during this activity. ( I can't promise I didn't think about it)

1 comment:

America's Next Top Mommy said...

I love how you say no one was harmed during "this" activity. Specifying that "this" activity was free of violence. But that next one, better watch out because some blood will be spilled!