Sunday, October 5, 2008

Allergies suck A _ _!!

I used to be "normal." I used to be carefree. I loved to travel. I liked going out to dinner. Not now. It all started on my 24th birthday. My life changed forever. I acquired allergies. Like I said- it was on my 24th birthday when it all began. My friend and I went into NYC on the train to see my on again off again boyfriend's band play at a club. I didn't feel that great the whole ride there. I thought it might be motion sickness so I sat quietly while drinking my FRUIT punch. When we got off the train we went directly to their hotel. Now- not only did I feel stomach sick- I felt winded. I dug into my purse for a CHERRY cough drop hoping that it might give em some relief. I laid on the bed and watched everyone get ready for the concert. (what the heck is wrong with me?) At the club- I actually felt better. I had a few drinks - hoping to lighten up- nope nothing. I felt like ass. Everything was such an effort that night. My smile was fake. I had trouble concentrating. I didn't have any spit fire comments. I was a dud. I couldn't wait to go home- but dreaded the train ride back. I had to go to work in 5 hours. Crap- make that 4 and a half hours. To make a long story short- I got home- slept an hour- and went to work.
At work- I slowly walked down the hallway to my office- everyone saying "happy birthday, birthday girl." Ahhhh- and there it was again- that fake smile. I hate my fake smile- it is so- FAKE. It looked more like a gag reflex than a smile.
Anyway- I got to my desk and there sat beautiful flowers - a mix of lilies, rose, some purple smelly ones. Whatever. They were flowers. (I have never seen the point of cut flowers- they die in a week. Who am I trying to kid- even the ones I have in pots or in the ground die in a week)
OK- here comes the major downer to my birthday. I passed out. Not right away. I decided to wait until after they surprised me with a cake. I had some RED Gatorade and some PINK frosting- and then I surprised them by hitting the floor. When I came to- there were about 7 paramedics standing over me saying- " She looks like Daryl Hannah- doesn't she?" "Has anyone every told you that?" ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I can't breathe, you morons.
Needless to say- I survived. Thanks to the makers of Benadyl. (which- by the way- I gave myself right before 911 was called)
After a series of tests- I was told I was allergic to shellfish- and then they gave me the best medical advice they had- don't eat it. That's it. They never picked up that I was also allergic to Red dye- so I landed in the ER quite a few times after that.
This is the best part- since I would take Benadryl right after the reaction occurred (like any normal human would). Since I had no symptoms when I arrived at the hospital - the doctors started to believe that I was a hypocondriac. Now the ER MDs were convinced that I was only having panic attacks and not an allergic reaction. (I know what it feels like not to be able to catch your breathe- I know what hives look like) More visits to the ER. What the F______!!! Every doctor I saw had the same opinion- panic attack. (Should I not to take benadryl just to prove them wrong?? I'm blond- Not stupid!)
Even my primary physician was even saying that that was what it was. Huh. Now- I actually started to believe them. I was really stressed at work. I also had a 50 year old rug wearing stalker who would draw freaky mystical pictures of me and hang them in the lobby of my building. I was also living the movie- Single White Female- with my psycho roommate. (she dyed her hair my color- wore my clothes- bought jewelry like mine- called my boyfriend back- listened at my bedroom door to see who I was talking to and had to know where I was going at all times)
I started to doubt myself. (maybe they were right- I have been unusually stressed)
They wanted to put me on meds- I refused. In the back of my confused mind I still believed there was something they were missing. I was miserable though. No one was on my side. Now I was afraid to eat alone. Am I allergic to this? Will this send me back to the ER? I wondered if everyone thought I was a freak. I was losing weight. I looked terrible- I felt terrible. Now I really started having panic attacks.
(Didn't I state above that I was going to make this long story short? Sorry- not happening)
Finally- I kept a journal of what I ate. After about 4 months- I figured out the Red dye allergy and then I did what I have been wanting to do for a long time- kicked my doctor's ass to the curb. Only after I rubbed this in her face. That bitched made me have panic attacks- and once you have them- they are so hard to get rid of!
I don't eat out anymore. I cook everything. There is so much cross contamination going on in restaurants. French fries and chicken are sometimes cooked in the same oil as shrimp. (learned that the hard way) Restaurants use the same grills for fish as they do burgers. So if I don't eat out- it makes it very hard to vacation anywhere. I can go on and on- and on- but I won't. Blogger has asked me to wrap this story up. I'm depressing their readers.

*No MDs were harmed during this period of my life.

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