Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Eat this and choke on it

I can't remember what the fight was about, but I must have been really mad. How do I punish my husband while still having to make breakfast? Hummmm. Yeah- that was about as long as it took me to figure this one out. Make him pancakes.
Make him pancakes? How can this be punishment? No- I didn't poison the batter. I wanted to make some for my daughter too. I started by making your traditional round pancakes- 2 of them- and then a nice long...
Yup and let me tell you -phallic shaped pancakes are even harder to swallow than the real deal.
He learned his lesson- and I don't think he has asked for pancakes since. It was a win win situation!

1 comment:

America's Next Top Mommy said...

Yo, is that a sock in your underwear?