I'm a big fan of the TV station TLC. I love to watch What Not to Wear- hoping that one day Clinton Kelly and Stacy London will jump out and surprise me with a credit card with my name on it for $5,000. I have even practice my surprised face for that glorious day. Now all I need is a friend or family member that cares enough to nominate me for that show. (hint, hint) How are people not sick and tired of me wearing sweats and tank tops??? I guess I am surrounded by the fashionably challenged.
Anyway- like I was saying I love TLC. I love what they do for people- they give homely people some fashion sense- make sun damaged prunes look 10 years younger.
(I don't approve of the collagen or botox part though) I even enjoyed watching many hours of A Baby Story when I was pregnant. Great TV. Right? Well hold on- don't answer that question yet. Now they have decided to create a show called
Toddlers and Tiaras. That is one thing I do NOT agree with.
Winning Obsessed parents dress up their tiny kids in miniature prom dresses. Some even go as far as to dye their toddler's hair, spray them tan, rub Vaseline on their
newly bleached teeth. They spend hours and hours rehearsing routines like little robots. It is not for fun- it is the most competitive "sport" I have ever seen. Crazed Mothers stand on the sidelines with
their beady little eyes- not just watching, but judging their daughter's every move. MOTHERS hold their breath - waiting- getting ready to Snap at the second their daughter messes up the Paula Abdul choreographed routine that SHE worked so hard on. I can go on and on. Trust me I can. I just don't agree with it. I have yet to see a KID excited about winning the beauty pageant. It is always the parents screaming and carrying on while the kid stands there with her fake Vaseline ridden smile.
Here's an idea- throw some sweats on those kids and let them play on a playground. Let them finger paint. Give them the opportunity to act like kids and not trained show dogs.
Look at this dress- look at the price! You can bet your sweet ass that her mother is banking on her kid winning the pageant- - - that dress won't pay for itself!
List Price: $343.00
Our Dress Price: $328.00
Watch it tonight on TLC and let me know what you think.