Friday, February 20, 2009

Visit from above

I believe in visits from above- I really do. If you listen and look carefully- it happens more than you know. Sometimes- you don't even need to look that hard.

It was the night of my son's first birthday and we packed up the kids and headed out to a nice 5 star restaurant for his birthday dinner. As we were driving to Wendy's (hey- it has gained 5 stars in my book) I saw a licence plate that said "Nikki." Ahhh- a sign I thought. My grandmother (nicknamed Nikki) passed away a year ago- just a few days after my son was born. I was unable to go to the funeral because of it. And because of that- I find myself forgetting that she isn't "here" anymore.

So we arrive at Wendy's. I get the double stack and a baked potato, my husband orders one of those big meals with a number and the kids get kid meals. The toy was a carousel. Ahhhh- another sign. My grandmother used to live where they had flying horses. Every year when we went to visit- we would wait in a line 40 people deep just to ride the flying horses for 4 minutes.

OK- back to Wendy's. Since this was a birthday party- my daughter felt the need to get up and dance. Since we were the only people in the place- I decided to join her. Then - out of "nowhere" my song started to play on the radio. By "my song" - I mean "Sherry Baby." A song with my name in it. Another sign- a major sign.

I truly knew that my grandmother was there- yes, in Wendy's- celebrating her great-grandson's birthday with us. It was better than I could ever imagine.

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