Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I am one of THEM...

Well - I am one of them now. You know- those people who are obsessed with Twilight. I have to admit- I made fun of those people before I became one. ("A Vampire romance- what the frig? You can't just read "normal" traditional smut?)
Twilight was also a Learning experience for me:
This is what I learned about myself:
I can read a 400+ page book in only 5 days! (I usually take months)
I can "interact" with my kids while still reading. (yes- I can)
I don't mind Sponge bob Square Pants as much as I thought I did. (this fact I am not proud of- but it kept my kid's interest long enough for me to read another chapter)
Thanks to Twilight- I learned I have something in common with my husband. I too like to go/stay in the bathroom for 25 minutes now. (I used to get furious with my him for doing so, but not anymore) I understand him.
Oh yeah- one more thing- I am a Vampire.

Reasons follow:
1. My hands and feet are always ice cold.
2. My love for red meat: Anything that moos or oinks...growls. I need a meat product with every meal to actually feel full/SATISFIED.
3. I am pasty white.
4. I don't sleep- this one is actually due to my kids, but I feel it still counts.
5. I have major mood changes. (and not just one week out of the month)
6. I fight back thoughts of attacking my husband. (especially when he wakes me up at 1 AM to find the Oragel)
7. My sense of smell is amazing. I am known as the Super Sniffer. I can smell anything and everything from a mile away.

Be warned. Be careful. I am Vampire - hear me Roar.
Watch out Edward- here I come!

1 comment:

The Mallow Fairy said...

Just don't get any bright ideas about a visit to Forks. I know it's become a tourist spot because of the book, but still...
I've been there. It's a bus stop. There is nothing out there but a couple of prisons.
I can show you some pretty pictures of the surrounding area though. :)